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School Logo

Leiston Primary School

Bumblebees - Mrs Kindred

Welcome to Bumblebee Class!

Welcome to Bumblebee Class' webpage. Here you will find information about the school week and what we are learning, as well as links to useful websites and tips to support your child's learning at home. We firmly believe that children make the best progress when we work in partnership with you, so please feel free to contact us with any questions. 


Bumblebee Class is taught by Mrs Kindred. Ms Wright is the teacher in Butterfly Class. We are supported by four fabulous teaching assistants - Miss Golding, Mrs Hawkins and Miss Bell. Your child will have the opportunity to work with all the team, who will lead activities and support them throughout the day. 

Key information about the school week:

The school day begins at 8.50am and finishes at 3.15pm. Teachers will be available before and after school, so please approach us or email with any questions or concerns. Appointments can be made if a longer discussion is required. Please support us by arriving punctually and encouraging your child to come into school independently. 



Your child will have one PE session a week on Tuesday. They will need to come to school in full kit. Long hair should be tied up and earrings removed or covered with tape. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own belongings and to be as independent as possible. Please support your child by ensuring that all of their clothing is clearly labelled and by practising the skills at home (for example, buttons, zips and laces).  


Personal belongings

Please ensure that your child has a clearly labelled water bottle. There is no need to pack a snack for your child - we provide both a fruit or veg snack and milk. Your child will have free flow access to the outdoor area so we ask that your child has appropriate clothing for the weather (coats in the winter and hats and sun cream in the summer). We also ask that your child leaves any toys at home. Please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled so that any misplaced items can be returned to your child. 




We will provide a  healthy snack in the morning (either fruit or vegetables) and offer the children milk in the afternoon.  We appreciate your support in providing the children with water in their bottles and talk to them about the importance of making healthy choices with our diet.  Having water in their bottles also means we are able to refill bottles during the day.


Teeth brushing

This term we will begin our teeth-brushing programme in class.  We will discuss the importance of good oral hygiene and a balanced healthy diet and children will be supervised to brush their teeth everyday for 2 minutes after lunch.

Key dates for this term: 

27th to 31st May: Half term

Wednesday 19th June: Class trip to Foxburrow Farm

Wednesday 3rd July: Sports Day 

Wednesday 10th July 2.30: Our Celebration of Learning (in class)

Friday 19th July: Last day of term
