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Leiston Primary School

Chameleons - Mr Peskett

Welcome to the Chameleons Class!


Chameleon class is taught by Mr Burch and supported by the wonderful teaching assistant Mrs Coulson.


On this page you will find lots of information about what we are learning and useful links to support you. 



Summer Term



This term's book: The Dread Cat We will be learning to write narrative (Recount) explanations. We will be learning to use present/ past tense correctly and consistently, including progressive forms of verbs. 


Fractions - ½, ¼ ⅓ 

● Time - o’clock, ¼, ½, 5minutes 

● Statistics 

● Position and direction 

● Counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s. 

● Counting beyond 100. 


This term we will be learning about plants - Bulbs and seeds. We will be exploring the difference between these and what plants need to grow. Also, we will be learning about growing up - looking at the different life cycles of all types of animals.  


What is a Monarch? Exploring current and past monarchs.  


DT for this term is learning about food. We will explore food groups, where food comes from and how to prepare it. 


Judaisum - Leaders and Teachers  - Who are figures who have an influence on others locally, nationally and globally in religion?


Athletics and Striking and fielding


Musical appreciation, improvising and exploring music.  


What is a Friend? Being lonely, making friends, being shy, problem solving, feeling embarrassed.



Books will be changed on a MONDAY.


Sharing stories and practicing reading using the phonics they have learned in school, is vital to improving a child’s confidence and skill with reading, understanding stories and developing a love for reading. It also has an important role in developing a child’s vocabulary and ability to express themselves effectively. We would like each child to read as often as possible, ideally at least 4 times a week for around 10 minutes at a time. Please make sure their reading record is signed each time they have read to ensure that we know when to change their book. Children will come home with two books each week, the first being a ‘Read, Write, Inc’ which is leveled in line with our daily Phonics sessions or a ‘free reader’ book (pupils are encouraged to self choose based on their interest). The second will be a ‘traditional’ home reading book to allow children to explore a further range of texts.


Reading books will now be changed once a week, this allows for your child to revisit and recap the books over the course of the week, to help aid fluency, comprehension of the story and progression. 




Both classes will have PE on a Wednesday morning. Pupils are able to come into school in their PE kit each Wednesday, PE will take place both inside and outside, so please ensure that your child comes dressed appropriately for the weather. Long hair should be tied up and any earrings should be removed or covered with tape.



Your child will come home with weekly spellings. Please practise these spellings with your child in the front of the book each week. Every Wednesday the test will take place in the back of the book and children will be given house points when there is evidence of effort and determination to learn them.  


Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle, with water, in school everyday and that all items of clothing such as jumpers and PE kits are well named so that in the event that a jumper should go missing, it can be easily identified and returned to the correct child. 


Thank you for your continued support, 


The Year 2 team 
