Chameleons - Mr Peskett
Welcome to the Chameleons Class (Class 9)!
Year 2 Curriculum Overviews
Adults in the class:
Mr Peskett, Mrs Bryant, Miss Cracknell
Other staff your child might work with: Mrs Jones, Mr Moore.
Reading books will be changed once a week. This will allow your child to revisit and recap the book over the course of the week. This has been proven by research to aid fluency and comprehension. Books will be changed on a Monday but please send your child's reading book and diary into school every day. Reading at home and any extra reading engagement will be celebrated and rewarded in class and assembly.
Chameleons Class will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays. Pupils are able to come into school in their PE kit on these days. PE will take place both inside and outside so please ensure that your child comes dressed appropriately for the weather. Long hair should be tied up and any earrings should be removed or covered with tape.
Homework will be sent home every Friday. Your child will come home with a spelling activity linked the spelling rule that has been taught in school. Please help your child to complete this and return to school the following Thursday. Times Tables practise, via the Times Tables Rockstars App, will be set up and login details sent out once we have introduced multiplication and division in our maths lessons.
Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school everyday and that all items of clothing such as jumpers and PE kits are well named so that in the event that a jumper should go missing, it can be easily identified and returned to the correct child.
Please be advised that we provide a free healthy snack for the children to enjoy during morning play.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mr Peskett