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Leiston Primary School

Nursery - Dragonflies - Mrs Childs

Welcome to Dragonfly Class...

Hello and welcome to the Nursery's Dragonfly Class. I am Mrs Childs the class teacher, and I work alongside Miss Chatten-Berry our experienced Early years practitioner, Mrs Ellis, and Miss Strowger, together we form the Nursery Team.  As part of our daily routines your children will get the opportunity to work with all of us in a range of child led and adult focus play. 



Key Information about Leiston Primary School Nursery:


Our Nursery sessions run between 8:30 - 3:30


A 3 hour morning session: 8:30- 11:30


A lunch session 11:30-12:30 (There is an additional charge for these sessions). Parents will need to provide their child with a packed lunch and pay £1.75 for a lunch session or purchase a school meal for £4.20, this includes a school meal and the lunch session. 


A 3 hour afternoon session: 12:30-3:30


Further information about our Nursery can be found by following the link below...


Personal belongings, spare clothes and water bottles:

Please ensure that all children's belongings are named so that any misplaced items can be returned to your child. Please ensure that your child has a clearly labelled water bottle. Your child will have free flow access to the outdoor area so we ask that your child has appropriate clothing for the weather (coats in the winter and hats in the summer). We also ask that your child leaves any toys at home. 


Autumn Term


Firstly we would like to warmly welcome our new children to Leiston Primary School Nursery, along with the children who joined us in Summer and Spring terms last year.  It is an absolute delight to have you all in our nursery and we are very much looking forwards to the year ahead.


Over this first term as well as following and building on the children's interests we will be following the learning theme;


I wonder what is special…


Possible lines of learning enquiry that we shall explore are;

  • ourselves, including birthdays
  • our families and friends
  • autumn and harvest
  • the weather, rainbows 
  • colour
  • celebrations such as Halloween, Bonfire Night, remembrance Day, Diwali and Christmas


Our end goals this term is for the children to;

  • To follow a recipe to bake bread or make a cake.
  • To perform a Christmas play to their grown ups.


Sharing Books

The children and the parents who were with us last term will know that we introduced a Sharing Book for the children to take home and share with their adult at home. Over the next few weeks we shall be introducing Sharing Books once again. The books will be changed weekly so the children will be able to enjoy a range of stories with their adults at home. Please keep the books safe and return them each week so that your child can collect a new one to bring home.


Learning Intentions from our Early Years Curriculum…


Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

  • Is more outgoing towards unfamiliar people and more confident in new social situations
  • Keeps play going by responding to what others are saying or doing

Communication and Language:

  • Uses vocabulary focused on objects and people that are of particular importance to them
  • Questions why things happen and gives explanations. Asks e.g. who, what, when, how

Physical Development:

  • Gains more bowel and bladder control and can attend to toileting needs most of the time himself/herself
  • Draws lines and circles using gross motor movements


  • Shows interest in illustrations and print in books and print in the environment
  • Ascribes meanings to marks that he/she sees in different places
  • Knows information can be relayed in the form of print


  • Uses some number names and number language spontaneously
  • Shows curiosity about numbers by offering comments or asking questions

Understanding the World:

  • Knows some of the things that make him/her unique, and can talk about some of the similarities and differences in relation to friends or family
  • Recognises and describes special times or events for family or friends

Expressive Arts and Design:

  • Creates movement in response to music
  • Explores colour and how colours can be changed

Key dates this term:


Wednesday 4th September: School reopens after the Summer Holidays


Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th September: Home Visits for new nursery children


Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November: October Half Term


Monday 4th November: School reopens after October Half Term


Friday 20th December: Last day of school before the Christmas Holidays
