Maths in the Early Years
White Rose Maths is used to provide your child with a secure understanding of both number and space, shape and measure. By the end of Reception, your child should be able to:
- count objects, actions and sounds
- subitise (recognise number of objects without having to count them)
- link numerals and and values
- count beyond 10
- compare numbers, using vocabulary 'more than', 'less than', 'fewer', 'the same as' and 'equal to'
- understand 'one more than/one less than'
- exploring composition of numbers to 10
- recalling number bonds for numbers 0-10
- select, rotate and manipulate shapes
- compose and decompose shapes to understand a shape can have other shapes within it
- continue, copy and create repeating patterns
- compare length, weight and capacity
Useful Links
National Numeracy - expert advice on supporting maths
Top Marks - games to support learning across the curriculum but particularly useful for maths