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Leiston Primary School




Hello and thank you for visiting our website to find out a little bit more about our school. Leiston is one of the founding schools behind Avocet Multi-Academy Trust which was set up in November 2014 with the view that collaboration is the key to success at all levels. Located on the Suffolk Coast we look to provide our students with the best possible start to their education an a mindset which empowers them to become life long learners.


Leiston is a bustling and thriving primary school for students from Nursery to Year 6. It's rich diversity provides children with a range of learning opportunities both within our school and as part of the wider Trust. We offer opportunities such as inter-Academy sports tournaments, the 11 before 11 offer which sees our students enjoy a range of life experiences before they leave us, a focus on developing the whole child through a solid foundation of personal and social skills, a varied curriculum and work within the wider community.


We welcome the support of our families and actively seek and encourage our families to join in different opportunities throughout their child's time with us such as Enterprise Week, curriculum enrichment and home learning. We welcome visits to our school to look around and see what we have to offer and how we can give your child the best possible start to their education.


Our Leadership Team are always on hand if you have any queries so pleased feel free to contact them: Mrs Melton (Head of School), Mrs Chadwick and Mr Head (Assistant Heads of School).


Our Vision and Values at Leiston Primary School

Our vision and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy and successful citizens as well as life long learners.


  • Leiston Primary School (part of East Anglian Schools Trust) is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
  • At Leiston Primary we aim to meet the needs of every child through a whole community approach involving teachers, parents, governors and a wide range of professionals. We are a school that will not compromise its high expectations in all areas of learning and conduct. We are a school that is passionate about education being the key to opportunity and success for our pupils.
  • We believe that all the pupils in the school love to learn and that it is our role to provide the opportunities for them to aspire and succeed in what ever they do. We believe in a Growth Mindset ethos for staff and students: persevering, thriving on challenge and taking new opportunities from feedback.
  • Collaboration between schools, both within and outside of the Trust is the key to excellence in all aspects of education, leadership and opportunity.