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Leiston Primary School

What do people say about our School?

"I feel like there’s always something going on. Lots of activities to suit all children. Always very welcoming, positive, warming" - comment from January 2023 Parent and Carer Questionnaire.


"The lessons were great to watch, the teachers showed high expectations, pace, positivity, calmness and through the classes I could see continuity and progress across the Key Stage from Reception to Year 2. Walking round the school the children were so welcoming and well behaved." - 

Visiting professional November 2022 with a phonics focus -


As part of ongoing school development it is crucial that we gather as much information and feedback from different stakeholders as possible. We celebrate our successes and always address our points for development.


Leiston Primary School Summary of most recent Parent and Carer Questionnaires

Here are some messages written by parents for our Appreciation Tree December 2020.