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Leiston Primary School


P.E. Curriculum


Our aim in P.E. is to provide a curriculum that excites and challenges all children in a range of sports and games, creating a pathway to lifelong participation in daily physical activity. We encourage children to make informed decisions about leading a healthy and active lifestyle and we provide children with the opportunity to participate in numerous competitions within our high school sports partnership and Academy sports offer. Physical education is an integral part of our curriculum that is inclusive and engages all pupils. Children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities. We aim to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that enables all children to achieve their personal best. Swimming is an important life skill, we aspire for all children to leave primary school being able to swim at least 25 metres.



P.E. is taught from Reception to Year 6 twice a week to ensure our children get the recommended two hours or more exercise a week. Children participate in high-quality PE lessons covering two different sports/skills per term. Across the majority of year groups the teacher is responsible for teaching one of the lessons, and a specialist sports coach teaches the other lesson. Our sports coach in school is Mr Moore (a very popular coach with the children here at Leiston). In addition to this, swimming is taught in years 3 and 4 so that children have the opportunity to develop this key skill in order to become confident swimmers. Our children are also incredibly active at lunch and break times and active lessons are encouraged and promoted throughout the school.



At Leiston Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is progressive and allows children to develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities. All children are provided with the skills and given opportunities to demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best. Our pupils are physically active and this has positive implications on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of exercise.  We hope children enjoy PE and develop a love of sport, and physical activity, that they pursue outside of school and in future life outside of primary school. All pupils understand the values and importance of fair play and being a good sportsperson. 

20223/2024 LTP P.E


New developments in P.E.


Playground leaders in KS2

In the KS2 playground we have a group of children who are responsible for running physical challenges each lunch time. Children on the KS2 playground can compete in the challenge and are awarded bronze, silver or gold certificates/stickers depending on what level they reached. The children are really enjoying this!



