“Mistakes and challenges are the best time for your brain to grow.” Jo Boaler
Intent - What do we want our children to learn?
Our Maths curriculum is designed to equip children with essential skills for everyday life, enabling them to approach the world with confidence in calculation, reasoning, and problem-solving. Through engaging and challenging activities, we aim to build fluency, foster curiosity, and promote a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. We encourage students to see themselves as mathematicians, developing a growth mindset and resilience as they face challenges and learn from mistakes.
Our goals are to:
- Develop fluent recall of number facts and a strong sense of number.
- Broaden conceptual knowledge, reasoning skills, and problem-solving abilities.
- Enable confident use of mathematical vocabulary and effective communication of methods and reasoning.
- Connect maths to real-life applications and other curriculum areas, especially STEM subjects, to highlight its relevance and importance.
By providing opportunities to explore, investigate, and discuss, we aim to foster an enduring enjoyment and appreciation of Maths.
Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?
Our Maths curriculum is guided by the Mathematics Subject Leader, who ensures quality through regular monitoring, staff support, and the sharing of best practices. Recognising the importance of both strong subject and pedagogical knowledge, we equip all staff to support students' progress effectively.
Following the White Rose scheme, our approach builds a deep understanding of core Maths concepts from Reception to Year 6. We use a Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach to develop both conceptual understanding and procedural fluency, encouraging students to engage with practical resources like bead strings, number lines, and place value counters to visualise and solve problems. Lessons are adaptable, recognising that students learn in various ways, and are designed to foster curiosity and independent thinking.
Our aim is mastery of key concepts across all year groups, with most students progressing at a similar pace, while advanced learners explore deeper, challenging problems and those needing extra practice receive targeted support. The White Rose scheme is further supported with diverse resources, ensuring a comprehensive, inclusive, and engaging Maths curriculum.
Impact - What will it look like when we achieve our intent?
The impact of our Maths curriculum is continuously monitored by the Mathematics Subject Leader, who ensures high standards through a variety of quality-assessment practices. These include reviewing samples of children’s work, observing Maths lessons across year groups, analysing planning, and conducting pupil discussions to understand students’ perceptions and experiences. A designated member of the governing body also oversees the teaching of Maths to provide an additional layer of support and accountability.
The Mathematics Subject Leader maintains an up-to-date subject portfolio, giving a comprehensive view of Maths teaching and learning across the school. This ongoing monitoring ensures that the curriculum is effectively implemented, that students achieve their full potential in Maths, and that teaching practices are aligned with our goal of mastery for all learners.
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