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Leiston Primary School

Information about the Early Years Foundation Stage

Teaching and Learning:

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, there are 7 areas of learning:

  • Communication and language
  • Physical development
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

The prime areas are in bold and are the areas considered fundamental. Please see the  Development Matters in the link below for more information: 


Teaching and learning is through a mixture of adult focus and child led learning  throughout the day.  We will have a daily counting session and then a range of activities which are wherever possible, based on our topic or theme. 


Through a variety of activities we will give children the opportunity to develop communication skills encouraging children to listen and comment on things they see and explain what they are doing.  We will help develop pre-writing and fine motor skills through activities that develop hand -eye coordination and hand strength such as working with playdough, painting, using different construction materials and cutting. 

Children are encouraged to develop their own learning through play and Continuous provision activities. We plan the environment carefully to ensure that the provision provides challenge and meets the needs of your child. There will be invitations for learning, set up by adults and linked to the topic, but your child will also have have the ability to direct their own play. Playful adults will play alongside your child, introducing new language, providing challenge and making online assessments. 
