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Leiston Primary School

Nightingales - Miss Robertson

Welcome to Ocelot's class page

Here on Ocelot's page, you will find lots of news and information about our class. Please do check back regularly for updates.


Who will teach us?
I am your class teacher, Miss Robertson, and we are very lucky to be supported by Mrs Stebbings. Our other year 5 class is taught by Mr Head and assisted by Miss Rouse.


What will we learn this term?

Summer Term


This term, in our topic lessons, will be learning about the Maya and comparing them to the Anglo-Saxons here in England. After half-term, we are learning about what was life like in deserts? We will be looking at the plants and animals that live in this biome and how humans interact with it.


In Science, we will be learning about reproduction, reversible and irreversible changes and plastic pollution. In D&T, we will be making pop-up books and creating portraits using paints and mixed media.


Our writing opportunities will be based around Louis Sachar's fabulous book 'Holes'. In Maths, we will begin by focusing on shape, geometry and decimal numbers. After half-term, we will be learning about negative numbers and measurement including converting units of measure.


In Music, we will be continuing our guitar lessons (first two week back) before learning about composition and performing music. In Computing, we will be coding using Scratch before creating stop-go animations. Finally, in PE, this term's units are athletics and fielding games i.e. cricket and rounders.



- Weekly spellings

- Weekly MyMaths homework

- TTRS (Times tables practice)

- Daily reading (2 house points per read)



Our PE days are: Monday (inside) and Thursday (outside).


To find out more about our curriculum in Year 5, head to our Curriculum pages on our website or speak to one of the Year 5 team.


My email address is:

Year 5 Curriculum
