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Leiston Primary School

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Our Reading Curriculum...



At Leiston Primary School our overarching aim for English in the national curriculum is to promote high standards of language and literacy by developing a love of literature through engaging daily lessons to learn the mechanics of reading and widespread reading for enjoyment.


Here at Leiston, we aim to teach our children to read fluently and be curious and critical readers who develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information, and see the value of reading across all areas of the curriculum.



The Reading curriculum:


There are discrete phonics lessons in early years and KS1 taught using All Aboard Phonics. Where there are gaps in phonic knowledge in KS2, interventions are planned and delivered to enable the children to move on in their learning of spelling patterns. In Year 2 and KS2 there are daily reading workshops, which are often cross-curricular, and reading is promoted across all the curriculum.


Reading skills are taught through the implementation of VIPERS (Vocabulary, Infer, Predict, Explain and Sequence/Summarise). Through regular discussion and application children learn about language, are able to retrieve information, summarise and sequence, infer meaning, predict and understand authorial intent.

Adaptations and interventions are organised by the class teacher to engage and accelerate progress in reading and writing as needed by the individual pupil. Support staff enable groups and individual children to access the work with a suitable challenge. Our SENCO is consulted for advice on further interventions. Teachers are encouraged to use a range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of their pupils learning styles and needs including:


  • Demonstrating
  • Modelling
  • Scaffolding
  • Questioning
  • Listening and responding
  • Discussion and debate
  • Developing oracy skills
  • Drama/role play
  • Varied use of ICT resources


Children are regularly heard reading aloud by an adult in school, through individual, paired, echo and other suitable reading strategies. Reading for pleasure is encouraged throughput the school within daily routines, as well as promotional events such as World Book Day and the Book Fair. We have our own ‘reading diet’ that consists of carefully selected books suitable for each phase that reflect the diverse society we live in. Each class reads together at the end of each day and children are encouraged to continue that enjoyment at home with books to take home that match their developing skills, as well as books for pleasure, from our well-resourced library space.



Pupils at Leiston become ‘fluent’ readers - able to read for pleasure as well as for meaning and to support their learning. They develop a wide vocabulary and world and multi-cultural knowledge by reading and listening to a range of high-quality texts, including poetry, non-fiction and narratives. They engage in well planned discussions and tasks that motivate and captivate them with their learning. Pupil’s attainment is measured using a variety of methods including teacher assessment, standardised testing and statutory assessments.



These selections of books have been carefully researched and chosen so that every child at Leiston Primary School hears a selection of high quality, language rich and diverse texts across their school journey. 
