Pandas - Miss Brown
Meet the Pandas team:
Miss Brown (Teacher)
Mrs Edwards and Mrs Golding (TA)
Year 1 Curriculum Overviews
Curriculum outline for this term:
English/Phonics | We will be exploring a range of stories throughout the term for example ‘What the Ladybird heard’ by Julia Donaldson . We will develop language, create story maps and develop our fluency in recalling key information and vocabulary from the texts that we read. Phonics will be taught as whole class sessions daily. Children will be read to with by an adult at least once a week.
Maths | In Maths we will be following the White Rose scheme of work which focuses on developing reasoning and fluency techniques. Every Maths lesson will begin with counting forwards and backwards and later in multiples. You could help your child by practising counting to 20 forwards and backwards.
This term our focus will be:
Science | The Human Body, Materials and Seasonal changes.
Topic |
In Geography we will be learning about The United Kingdom and where we live, locating on maps and exploring places. In History we will be following the topic, How am I making history? |
Art | Painting- Exploring painting techniques and artists to include seasons, flags, fireworks etc. |
Computing | Computer systems and Networks. Improving mouse skills. |
Key information about the school week
Reading: Sharing stories and practising reading using the phonics they have learned in school, is vital to improving a child’s confidence and skill with reading, understanding stories and developing a love for reading. It also has an important role in developing a child’s vocabulary and ability to express themselves effectively.
We would like each child to read as often as possible, ideally at least 4 times a week for around 10 minutes at a time. Please make sure their reading record is signed each time they have read to ensure that we know they have read. Please can they be in school daily for adults to also record in.
Reading books will be changed on a Monday.
PE for both classes will be for part of a Monday afternoon and Thursday afternoon and children are to come to school in their PE kits - please note the PE uniform policy on the website.
Long hair should be tied up and any earrings should be removed or covered with tape. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own PE belongings. Please support your child to do this by ensuring that all of their clothing is fully named and by practising some of the skills needed i.e. buttons/zips/etc. at home to promote their independence.
Year 1 spellings will be on a Wednesday. A half termly list of spellings will be sent home. Please practise these spellings with your child during the week. Every Wednesday the test will take place and children will be given house points when there is evidence of effort and determination to learn them. They will also learn the new spellings in class for the next week.
Please ensure that your child has a named water bottle in school every day and that all items of clothing such as jumpers are well named so that in the event that a jumper should go missing, it can be easily identified and returned to the correct child.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 1 Team.
Below are some links to support further learning at home:
Reading, writing and phonics:
Spelling Shed online is a fantastic, fun resource for practising spellings! Currently, membership is free and you can even add your own spelling lists!
Find free reading books at: