Panthers - Mr Burch
Welcome to Sugar Gliders
Meet the year 3 team:
Sugar Gliders
Teacher: Mrs Robertson-Jones
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Clarke (Monday - Wednesday), Miss Cracknell (Thursday - Friday)
Teacher: Ms Taylor
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Fryer
We have been working hard to create an exciting and interesting curriculum for this year which will engage and motivate you in your learning! You can find an overview of our topics across the year on this page.
Year 3 - Curriculum Overviews
Key information:
PE – PE for Sugar Gliders is on Fridays. Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit. Long hair should be tied up and earrings should be removed.
Please remember to bring in a water bottle each day and ensure that all personal belongings are named.
Forest School - Forest school is on Friday afternoons fortnightly. Please speak to Mrs Robertson-Jones if you are unsure which Friday your Forest School session is on.
Please come prepared for the weather.
Supporting Children's Learning
Please support your child to read 4 times a week so that they can work their way up our class reading tree and earn rewards! There are also house points awarded for reading consistently.
Weekly spellings and homework will be sent home each Friday and will be tested/due the following Friday.
Any additional projects, writing or activities that are completed at home can also be brought into school. We love to see your learning and house points will be given.