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Leiston Primary School

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  • Seesaw

    Wed 23 Sep 2020
    As we strive to ensure that our children have an outstanding curriculum both in school and (if needed), outside it. We have launched the Seesaw App which sees pupils being able to access learning remotely in lots of different forms; written word, photos, video. This has had a tremendous response so far with 157 pieces of work submitted in the first week alone. Well done all!
  • Specially commission art work

    Fri 18 Sep 2020

    2020 has had a profound impact on us all and it is crucial that we all remember the strength which we have shown as a community and celebrate the resilience that we and our children have had to show. With that in mind and to coincide with our work on developing pupil’s character, Mrs Geater and Mrs Chadwick commissioned our wonderful yoga teacher, Yoga Jo, to create some bespoke pieces of artwork. These are displayed in the hall and you will be able to spoke them in the class assembly videos! Thank you Yoga Jo.


  • Class Assemblies go to the BIG Screen!

    Thu 17 Sep 2020
    This term will see our class assemblies transfer to the BIG screen for the first time. Each class will film their assembly to share with the whole school and their families at home. The children are very excited and it was a pleasure to see such enthusiasm from our first group; Year 6, Peregrine Falcons. 